10:31 AM

nokia mobil secret codes

nokia secret codes

Nokia Secret Codes

*#06#   - Display the IMEI

*#0000# - Display the firmware version and date

*#9990# - Bluetooth Test Mode

*#bta0# - Display the Bluetooth MAC address

*#mac0wlan# - Display the WLAN MAC address

*#opr0logo# - Clear the operator logo

*#pca0# - Activate the GPRS PCCCH support
*#pcd0# - Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support

*#res0wallet# - Reset the mobile wallet

*#res0# - Soft-format the memory

*#rst0# - Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required

*#sim0clock# - Display the SIM lock status

*#ssn0# - Display the manufacturing serial number

*#war0anty# - Display the manufacturing and repair info or total talk time on Symbian models

*efr0# - Enable EFR encoding

#efr0# - Disable EFR encoding

*hra0# - Enable HR encoding

#hra0# - disable HR encoding

#pw+1234567890+n# - Display the SIM lock status.


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